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Sunday, February 21, 2010

When In Doubt....Bitch Out?

So I was on call this past week for Con Law and I'm still on call for half of Monday. We all know that our Prof who I kindly refer to as Little Elf Man ("Shhure!"), is preeeetty anal and when he is upset, he'll let you know by saying a cutting statement in the last 30 seconds of class.
Welp, I felt the wrath on Tuesday because apparently he was thoroughly disappointed in my groups level of preparation. So, like clockwork, at 4:49.30 after he expressed his disappointment, he said: "Maybe you all need another snowstorm to prepare." Rude. We did better as the week progressed and I mean I was tempted to pray for another blizzard or bitch out but in hindsight, none of those options were needed. Okay so now I must resume my con law because I do not want another tongue lashing from him tomorrow.



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