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Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hey World,

So if you take a look at the previous emo and depressing posts you would think that there is no hope in sight. Not true. An unexpected ball of light with an excessive amount of tiger blood and Adonis DNA has given us some new perspective. His name is Charlie Sheen and he has made our week. He too is an unemployed winner and he has given us some hope. We were all in need of some good laughter! Honestly. Spring break is around the corner but it has still been rough. Pikachu Sims and Mr. Duncan got through their evil memo and now it's my turn to complete mine. On the bright side, I have it organized and I'm ahead of schedule (thank God). Ni-Cole has been doing well...she is the shining glory in our Corporations course and even though she doesn't know it yet, I'm so glad she is going to tutor me. In general HUSL news, elections are over (sort of) thank God. Those elections were ridiculously intense for no reason. You would have thought these people were running to be the President of the United States. I voted but I wasn't satisfied with the results, but overall I don't care much because I know things will stay the same. We all had lunch together the other day and we realized that the Class of 2012 is like a big section 3. Apparently the other classes think that there's no good solid leadership in our class as a whole and that we're unmotivated? I guess I can't really argue with that. Cut out the losarios in section2 and you have a happy medium. I think it makes us unique...you can't really tell us anything and we're gonna do what we're gonna do. I think that's why we can relate so much to our friend Charlie.
Naturally, in honor of our semi-honorary Real HUSLer Charlie, i figured we should remind ourselves of the ways we are bi-winning (winning here and winning there).

  • We have this bomb blog
  • Each of us have an understanding that law school is not our life. As Justice Sotomayor said "Don't be so consumed in the law that you forget to be a person."
  • We have dance parties in the library during finals week
  • We know how to have fun & we keep a tight drama free crew
  • Our whole 1L year is documented in photographs

That's just to name a few things...i'm sure the others can add several other points. In the end, it is very cliche and cheesy but we have each other. Hands down. No ifs ands or buts. #Winning.




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