Back on the grind...NOT. Despite being officially halfway through my law school career, things still look pretty bleak. This blog was christened 1LBlues but the title truly encompasses not only the woes of law school as a whole, but the growing pains of life during this uncomfortable phase (see previous blog post by Knee-Cole).
I'm usually upbeat for the most part, but lately I feel like that part of my being is getting SUFFOCATED. It's probably the stress. It's crazy because I don't seem that stressed at all but I know it's there in my subconscious. I haven't been so unmotivated to do schoolwork in all of my 20+ years of education. I just want to go home, wish I could salvage a relationship that fell victim to law school (and several other factors) and I want it to be summer. Also, I would appreciate it if I could make bank this summer. I think that unpaid jobs/internships offered to law students should be illegal. Unless you're trying to help me out with the debt I'm incurring, I’M NOT TRYING TO HEAR IT.
In the resident HUSL tabloid news, we were spotted out at Shadowroom a couple of weeks ago. The Gossip Boy(s) ran their mouths and said how certain ladies were "twerkin n*ggas" in the club. Le Sigh. Last night, Pikachu Sims and I gave a hearty analysis of all the humans that we go to law school with. After much thought, we concluded that several of them have a touch of Aspergers Syndrome and the rest are just downright crazy. The assemblage of humans at the HUSL makes you pause and think: "Wait, am I crazy too?!" It's THAT bad. I mean, I guess we're all a bit crazy...crazy to have undertaken this beast called law school. This post is a ramble...and it was supposed to be posted weeks ago. I guess it’s an illustration of life right now...a bit disjointed and confusing. I flashback to our 1L year analogy about not jumping off the ledge and hanging tough. As long as you have people to talk you off the ledge, you'll be all good. Unfortunately, I feel like we are all standing on the ledge together. That’s when you know that you’ve got to just leave it to God. That's my only hope. I'm in my predicament for a reason; I can never lose sight of that. And hey, maybe the crazies at school keep me sane! Aww, yes...I suppose that my optimistic upbeat self is still hiding in me somewhere. I won't let her go...I refuse to let anything else fall victim to this place called law school.
Til Next Time,
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