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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cliché But Apropos: The Beginning of the End

Happy New Year! In approximately four months, my classmates and I will get hooded and walk the stage. It has been a long, laborious road but somehow, it's gone by like a whirlwind. This time three years ago, I did not know my co-bloggers at all...It's crazy! And I have been immensely thankful that they were placed in my life.

On a less sappy note, I want to commemorate the technical eventual demise of 1L Blues by having some trips down memory lane through all the photographs that I’ve taken these past couple years. There is no way that I can post all of these photos on the Class of 2012 countdown bulletin board, so I’ll use the blog as my outlet. J

On an academic note, this semester will not be a breeze by any means. I’m still trying to work out some kinks in my schedule, so we’ll see how that goes. We all have full loads, but as always, we’ll pull through.

<----[Throwback Thurs Pic:The three of us with our newly formed friendships at our first HUSL house party...August 2009. Memories *sigh*]


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