Well summer 2k11 is in full swing and so far its been pretty damn great. This summer has been a great mix of work and play. Well actually I have a love hate relationship with work but I won't dwell on that now. But with working 40 hours a week, this summer has truly been about the weekends, and each one has been excellent.
The key to my success this summer has been the beauty of free time. I don't really make plans, at least not detailed plans, so I truly allow myself to live in the moment and do what feels organic. By no means have I figured out the meaning of life this summer, don't get me wrong. I think I've just reached a place where I'm okay with uncertainty. I'm just living in the here and now, and I'm loving it. None of this would have been possible without the help of my friends I must say. Especially my bff J who went with me on a spontaneous trip to Mexico.
I must say the one thing I haven't done a lot this summer is partied. I don't if I'm getting old and I'm over it or if the full time work thing just takes too much out of me, but I just haven't felt like drinking excessively or dealing with the club world. I have been to about 3 day parties which is a chill way to spend a sat afternoon with the right company. I say this because one saturday I ended up in what seemed like the freaking law school section of the rooftop with several black law students all eager to meet other black law students and talk law school. Thats a bunch of bullshit. Well at least to me it is. I networked with the incredibly pretentious bunch but reaffirmed my vow to never flaunt my profession, school choice, or potentially stupid life decision to go to law school, like I've just found the cure for cancer. Shit just doesn't make sense. Not at all.
LOL at "potentially stupid life decision to go to law school"
I was cracking up at that too!
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