Well as I sit here thinking about what to write about. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry about the insanity that is 2L year and all the crap we've have gotten ourselves into ALREADY. Its only labor day! Despite my constant attempts to get my life together... surprise my life is anything but together.
But anyway after 3 weeks of school I think we have all been struggling to get into a reading groove. We have easily slipped into many other grooves including but not limited too couchin', brunches, trueblood, shots, partying and of course chicken! We already have some classic memories a particular group hug with Turtle at a house party being one of them lol.
Law school people are funny. Everyone has their school personality, but people seem to get a lot more interesting after a couple and sometimes a lot of drinks. Went to the Park on Sunday since labor day meant no school on Monday. Surprisingly or not surprisingly depending on how you look at it, it was a really great time. Although, K$ didn't come out and we surely missed her. The crowd was good and so was the music. I don't really recall this but the DJ dropped "No Hands" and the whole place "went ham" as the phrase goes. All in all it was a good night, that did not include being bothered by a bunch of random guys. I guess since we were with not so random guys lol. I guess that may be the way to go from now on...who knows.
I made some pretty great decisions on Sunday nite I must admit. The best one being the decision to drink only top shelf and stick to it. There was some foolishness that occurred on sunday too that might have heightened our need to party like it was our last night on earth.
Now im working on slowing down but its hard considering I don't have nearly as much reading to do for class as last year. I actually feel like I have the time to go out and do things or even stay in and do things. For instance I already plan to watch my football games on saturday and sunday, and monday night too. I think I may have finally found some sort of balance where don't have to shut out the things I love to do just to get my work done. I've really been using my time during the day wisely so my nights are pretty much free, although as the semester goes I know some nights at the library will be necessary. Sigh.
We know not what is to come, but we know we shall do it bigger and better,
Nickey E
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