"Cause it's fun, it's fun to do bad things." This just has to be the theme of the closing week of February because everyone (including myself) has been acting willfully and wantonly RECKLESS. Period. Ms. Tull already touched on a bit and I will continue the summary.
Let's look at the happenings of Monday. So, Pikachu Sims and myself were standing outside of Classroom 1 waiting for our Crim Law makeup when we witnessed an epic tongue lashing. I won't name names but the exchanged went like this:
Person 1: Why are we standing outside...can't we go in class?
Person 2: Umm Person 1, obviously we're standing outside because there is a class in there.
Person 1: I didn't ask you so shut up.
Person 2: Umm, excuse me???
Person 1: (bends down to Person 2's height, places finger in face, shakes head in a "oh no you didn't way") I said, I didn't ask you so SHUT THE HELL UP.
Person 2: Wow, but I was just sayi--
Person 1: I said Shut Up.
So yeaaa, that kicked off the week of bad things. I missed Nanny O'Briens AGAIN but I was extra juiced to go to my first ever NBA bball game courtesy of Mr. Duncan. We went to Hominy after and indulged in MORE drinks as usual. It was a super fun night, minus getting harassed by a man who was fun size...I mean he was like 4'11, no lie. He was trying to get at all of us and so Nickey, Pika, and myself proceeded to tell him that we were in a pseudo relationship. So at the end of the night, I realized that I lost my ID again which was a sign to me that my Latarian Milton ways were getting out of hand. That brings us to Friday night....
We go to Pure for the first time since the epic falling out of the first semester. I think we can all conclude that drama follows us when we're at Pure. After enjoying numerous $1 drinks, one of those drinks found their way on our CLOTHES because, on this night, instead of getting harassed by a munchkin man, a Gigantor decided it would be a good idea to throw a drink our way because I refused to dance with him. Bad choice. Compared to him, we looked like an army of the Littles BUT, we didn't care and we told this Hagrid-esque man that he was foul. We had an extra dose of Boldness that night or something because people were ready to knock him out. SMH. So ridiculous. So, we ended up leaving and going to a bomb jazz spot and Nickey & Pika utilized some lawyerly skills to get the Gigantor kicked out.
*sigh* the end? I prob left stuff out....so much is going on on top of all the school ish we have to do!!! Dos Mucho.
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