I'm literally on bed rest right now. This weekend...well the past weekends have been dos mucho. I have so much work to do and I have not been very productive. Does being a 3L make one allergic to school work? Perhaps. I'm trying to get my bearings academically and finish strong and I WILL pull it together eventually....
On a social note, I've partied myself to sickness. My immune system is all the way turnt down and I am driving the struggle bus. We all hit up the Beacon on Saturday and saw the whole school out. Mind you, I knew I had the sniffles but still went out and probably infected some people (my bad). Yesterday, I woke up feeling terrible and I was sure that I was going nowhere. Then I saw tweets...and heard from Ni-Cole...and remembered that this is my last time to enjoy so I said YOLO and popped some Day Quil and stepped out. I was upset that the open bar at Bar 7 was only for Crown Royal but I made it work and I must say that it worked wonders for my sinuses. We also ended up at Josephines which was interesting to say the least. It's all a blur and I'm feeling the repercussions of my ways. But I already know the rest of the semester will be like this. I do not know how my classmates and I will be alive after exams. We have from May 3rd -May 12th (graduation) to be reckless and I just don't know if I'll survive. Like, I'm dead serious. Guess I'll worry about when the time comes.
Oh and enjoy a ridiculous pic of a text that I got from some random man back in 2010. Clearly he got no response..that grammar EEK. It was my first twit pic! I used to be known as @UdemeRefusestoGetTwitter but my people put me on game and life has been funnier ever since.
Til Next Time *sneezes*