1. The Law Library (no explanation necessary, but we did everything here from pizza and wings to much needed
dance breaks)
2. The Health Sciences Library (sometimes a change of "scenery" is necessary)
3. Nanny O'Briens (Chicken, Wings, Fries, Turtle, all present at our almost weekly wednesday hh/dinner spot
4. Starbucks (all of them...always good to have a starbucks boo)
5. McDonalds (not just any golden arch but Georgia Ave! My my we have seen the 8th wonder with that place. Truly
place where anything and everything is possible, crackhead conventions, masked individuals, one man
dance parties)
6. U Street ( this is actually the scene of many locations but I figured its cool enough to get its own shoutout)
7. Ben's Next Door ( capped off many anights here, with good discussion and good bartenders, nice place)
8. Hominy (also on U street we've had some very interesting yet very random wed nites here, $3 patron shots is a
dangerous and beautiful thing all at the same time. )
9. The Towers (as the first year residence of UBU and K$ims, we've spent much time in that at times uninhabitable
building, and we realized that you never know who you might see going in and out)
10. Love (not much to say, its a dc institution. Homecoming we learned that grown men can't handle their liquor
evidenced by them falling out everywhere!)
11. Lotus (we spent quite a few memorable thurs nites at this K street spot. In fact a few more nights and we woulda
been regulars, this is the scene of the first giant sighting and the post snowmageddon aka parole party lol)
12. Aleros ( prolly one of dc's most popular Mexican restaurants, whether it was between class at the cleveland park
one or on the weekends at U street, el matrimonio is always in order!)
13. The Park at 14th (one of my personal favorites in dc, always a good crowd of people and seems like a guaranteed
great time, this is also the scene of many memorable and wishtheywerememorable moments)
14. Pure (this list wouldnt be complete without pure the regular dollar drinks friday evening spot, all the way turned
up at 7pm)
15. Full circle house (Im just gonna reference this residence because I find it no small coincidence that it played a
role in the beginning and end of our year)
There are some honorable mentions that didn't quite make the list but were nevertheless instrumental to our success this year. Chipotle, the Movie theater, the Shuttle Bus, and my living room all deserve an honorable mention.
Lastly, as fun and dramatic as all these places have been, they are just places, and the real reason I find them to be memorable is the people I enjoyed/experienced them with. It really was at these places where our friendship was made at these places where friendship was tested and shown to be unshakable. Anywhere we go we have a ball and have each others backs and I couldn't ask for anything more.
Next year we'll be sure to visit our old favorites and certainly look to add some new spots to the list!
Love Always,